Thursday, January 20, 2011

Maintaining Blog and Social Media with less efforts

Blogging is hard, because it requires a writing skill; Facebooking is easy, because simply by updating mundane information as your status, you're exist on Facebook. Blogging therefore, is a practice you need to put more efforts into it, and harder to maintain; Facebook could be your quick way to connect to your audiences, and it's easy to maintain -- but one liner status and comments are also easy to forget.

Therefore if your goals is to establish a personal branding, then blogging (and blogwalking) is a very powerful tool.

If in the past you would require to publish a writing on a well-known magazine or newspaper to get noticed, blogging offer a lower entry barrier to be getting known; a name and (free) platform and space to host your writings, and you're all set to go promoting the most important brand you'll ever manage; yourself.

It would still requires you to actively maintain it, actively done SEO initiatives, and actively promotes it, but you can start it quick and painless instead of having to face lengthy process of article submission to the print medias. Not to include rejections.

But this doesn't mean however, that you should alienate everything non-blogging from your personal branding efforts, because we can't deny that to become known, you have to be exist in places where the crowds gathers; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, Kompasiana, etc. But how could you maintain your existence in all of those places at once? At some time in history, this does mean that you should be "physically" exist there, creating different posts from one to another, interacting with different people at different location, thus resulting in much time spent for maintaining, instead of advancing forward. It requires a lot amount of time to spare; and with the list of the networking sites keep on getting bigger, you would hardly keeping up with them in short time.

So how you could you maintain your existence in multiple networks/sites, yet can still maintain it w [...]


  1. Replynya pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya, mas.
    Belibet kalo Enggres, soalnya ... *grin

    Iya, kadang-kadang aku juga suka mikir: Kok bisa sih tuh orang exist dimana-mana? (baca: punya blog lebih dari satu dan selalu muncul di tiap-tiap blog-nya itu!). Terus terang, saya sendiri enggak bakalan sanggup kalo harus kayak gitu.

    Dan apa yang kamu tulis disini, persis seperti apa yang udah saya lakukan selama ini dengan FB, mas. Jadi saya fokus ke Multiply, tapi selalu sibuk 'promosi' content MP di FB.

    Terbukti bahwa pada akhirnya banyak teman yang mengaku kalo mereka 'menikmati' tulisan saya (di MP) meskipun yah diselipi protes karena enggak bisa comment (rata-rata teman saya yang di FB memang enggak punya account MP. :p) ...

    Ah, kok malah jadi cerita soal saya, sih?
    Maaf. hihi!

    Ou, btw baru liat euy web-nya Kang Bayu yang disono. Keren banget! Ngiler ama design-nya yang sungguh minimalis. Pas ama selera saya ...

  2. Ijin ng-link di Facebook, yaa ...
    *makasih (yakin banget bakal dibolehin!)

  3. Thank you!

    Aku juga baru tau di MP mu ada halaman "About Us" nya, keren!

    Kalau Vina tertarik mau buka blog pake Wordpress juga, aku sekarang nyediain jasa pembelian nama domain, plus hostingnya lho, via Bajamus. :-)

  4. mungkin perlu pake Import Notes (mungkin linknya: pakai link RSS, Mbak. nantinya setiap entry yang di-post di Multiply akan muncul di FB sebagai Notes (yang biasanya lebih pendek). nah, di sanalah teman Mbak pengguna FB yang biasa baca blog Mbak bisa komentar.

    *just a thought*

  5. mungkin ini yang perlu diperhatikan Multiply supaya bisa lebih berkembang, Kang. :)

  6. Pas banget kang... pas lagi ribet, karena baru mulei ngeblog... jadi bisa start nich sblm kelewat... thank you kang bayu

  7. Pas banget. Berniat 'menghuni' MP kembali, pas ada posting ini. Kang Bayu memang memberi pencerahan :)
