Expert advice from best-selling author and psychologist, Wayne Dyer:
- Don't die with your music still inside you. Listen to your inner voice. Find what really moves you. Then follow your passion.
- Embrace silence. Scientist and religious philosopher Pascal once wrote that all man's unhappiness comes from his inability to sit in a room quietly. So make time to be silent.
- Give up your personal history. Stop using past abuses and shortcomings to justify self-defeating behaviors. Your past is over! Focus on now!
- Avoid weakening thoughts. Stuff like guilt, shame, fear and anger will bring you down. Thoughts that empower you are peace, joy, love, acceptance. Make a conscious decision to take charge of your thinking.
- Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to be. If you've always dreamed of being a writer, introduce yourself as a writer. The first person who has to believe in you - is you!
Thank's for sharing kang ! ternyata banyak ide ya buat mewujudkan impian kita :)
ReplyDeleteeasier said than done but thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteYang nomor 2 namanya : waktu untuk menenangkan diri alias meditasi. Karena banyak yang mengartikan duduk berjam2 mengisolir diri di depan komputer ataupun mengerjakan hobbynya secara soliter adalah sama dengan nomor 2.
ReplyDeletesumuhun teh, welcome back!
ReplyDeletealways ;)
ReplyDeletesesuatu yang mengakibatkan perbaikan biasanya memang butuh usaha lebih buat dilakukan
berdamai dengan dirinya sendiri, bukan maen games online :P