Expert advice from best-selling author and psychologist, Wayne Dyer:
- Don't die with your music still inside you. Listen to your inner voice. Find what really moves you. Then follow your passion.
- Embrace silence. Scientist and religious philosopher Pascal once wrote that all man's unhappiness comes from his inability to sit in a room quietly. So make time to be silent.
- Give up your personal history. Stop using past abuses and shortcomings to justify self-defeating behaviors. Your past is over! Focus on now!
- Avoid weakening thoughts. Stuff like guilt, shame, fear and anger will bring you down. Thoughts that empower you are peace, joy, love, acceptance. Make a conscious decision to take charge of your thinking.
- Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to be. If you've always dreamed of being a writer, introduce yourself as a writer. The first person who has to believe in you - is you!